Heywood - BS2575 H49 1687

10 ~loftt~l0~at:et, 14· A rChriftians reward. is fro.ra God: ThyFather will ~ reward thee: Not m·en. Scribes and Phari(ees have their reward from men, from,men they expect it: Saintsex– {)ed: their reward fro1n God., ·and God gives it them: l\1en -rewardth~mevil for their good wiH, and they ex– peCt no better: If better co1ne front men., they own ic as a gratuicy fent from their Father: It's a principle of Religion to know and believe that God i.r, and that be is a re·rvarder oftkem that diligently feelz hin:, Hep,. I I. 6. · And as G.qd gives a reward, io he is the reward of his · Saints, Gen. I ) . r. J'ea an cx~eedinggreat reward. lt can admit of ,noH_yperbole,,it cannpt have a fufficien~ Em– phafis: to enjoy God is a reward iufficient, in and for the fervice ofGod. ThefeDoetr~neswould a·ffordlarge difcourfes, but none of theie are the iltbject I fhall in~ fift upon. , , · I £hall raife one from the mli+l fcope of the Texr, which is this. . ' . ' . ' ~ Doer. That Clofet-Praycr- is tt Chriftian Duty. Secret Prayer is an Evan·gelical exerci!e. Every child of God may and muft perform the du.. ty of Secret Pray~r. , As a Chriitian muft pray all inanner of Prayer, fo in all pl~ces, l Tim. 2. 8.Jwillthat men pray every where-: f..nd ifevery where., then in their Cloiets ; This di vine Incenf~ fho,ufd perfumeevery room,and lhould afcend ~o Heaven frpm Chan1bers as well as Churches: Any pla~e ~ow is fitJor a Divine Oratory; a F(al. 10 9· 4· Saint fhould give h,itnfelf to Prayer, and Pfal. 30. tit!t. d d" h. h r. J1.. d e tcate .ts ou1e to God ; he u1onl (as it were) confecrate every room_ inhis houfe to be a place of priyatedevotion~ Abraham reared an Altar to God wherever he caine; fo ml.!fr a Chrifii~nmakee ry place where he can get clo!e tQ the duty, a·place frayer. · ~ · ~1r.\ Mede bath un~ertake~ to prov~ from 1 '