Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

, . ·· .:'· Dedicatory~ . _., ~ - ~ . ... MidhittrtJ ; tmJ thtre'is an advantage ili wr1tinf!; z h· • . ~· . J ( . d d . . (i, L b l. ~· ec trta5• whef! Preachers are ea or· cannrJt.Jrea"' OOF\J may cum!tJqui rerJ?ain and inftruEt thei_r furvivini, people, and 11hat ?Jo.npott~it'- ,is wanting to the ear m'!IJ be comper!P-ted to the eye, fcripjit•. (whi-chJ~me have called the learned Senfes) lflnd , . thro,~Jgh tbJ~ eye the hetZrt may bC' ajfetlid, and why , ' m,ay nyt life be conveyedJhrough the eyes to the he -trt 1 :If& death came in that way, fo qod can by his Spirit' make Pen and Ink... chAracter~, to leave lively Ch.-zra- . Eicrs, n;ton Pape·rqnd farchment, ~uton the flefh- aC~r.. J.JJ Jy table!; of rhe heart. ·. ·. . ..: This inpart~- my_Apology for puttin.~ my Sicle in• t_othis Harveft , a~4 taking this pains in compo{tng thiS Treatifo., w~ether,it jhall ever have the advan- )age ().f publication lfy tt.!l impre/Jion, l ~now not, but if the·Lordwilt m'a~e any further u(e o[ it, for t-he ~o~4· ~f. hiS (h,~rch, I foa!J accep't of .t~at opport~nity," flld ~NZVe my fe'/f..ttn-d th.efe po~ r /ab_011~S tO the (er'f' 1!i_c('qfth~t· qodi. to .,wpo'fn'. 1 h!tve d~voted my (eif ~tld ~ alt that l h4ve or can dp : I look: upon my /elf fU. th'e wea/zefl and unworthieft of 4/l thofe tha't w_t1it '" !if · Gods Altar, yet tU the Lord ha~h put me in truft ~it~ the Gofpel, fo I have defired in m) mea(ure t4 . ~.e f6tithful to the LIJrd and \to yourfonls~ . and having ~bjd!ned help 9[ God .l conttinue amirroHr of Provi· J.hictto this day: f'a'f1! not W{)rthy tO preach, muc/; l~efs _to' pri_nt any thing nf the(e glBriommy[feries. 1 r.~ther w.nnder that God bath hqd the· patience with I / - me.·thm_ long in .hu wur/z; my'dad bath humbled me ll!t!?ngft yo~, yo1t _ ~nowhowl h~ve {erved the Lord_ Acts 1.o~ ~ith many tears and temptations, whichhave befallen 1 ' ' , me ·~~ny wayes" y~t God is foithful who bath not fuf· fe~ed, m~ to b~ tempted, ~e)'Ond that Jl:rength he hP1t~ [upp~ye4. lll( '!itb, 11nd bathat /aft ma4, away to e· 1 Cor. x.ii: . .. ' d 4 .. . r~apq ~ 13_, \ - .~ ' \