Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

. The Epifl:lc [c4pl: Ltt (Jodglorrfi~ pimfelf whatn:er ,hc_oome ~f this t~ile "J1Jretcht~4 wcr'!J; th( gQod of your fouls i)'~s :n~~r .myheart, Gc4 u I!IJ lfirnrj[e howgr~atfy {font ~fur your JPiritu.:~l n:.c/f,_:re ~ it much 1,rieves me ~o ' think.. of lea-pin! any rf yo~.r foult witbout 11 favin$ T:e11frJre aver all my S~ul-tr~vel~ve~ you 1 a'!d fe,r– 'lJtng t~o jtfll 4ppr~ntljhips a"!-rmtft )Of! ~· Let no,t . ~Y. fi'!tor fuffertngs blemzjh 'f!JJ 'dr{tri'!~ or prtl£lif~, ..or be fl /fu~bling·bto,ck before ~~rv .q_f yo14 : wfMt yo~ :hav< flen g~od in me, W'!itat~ i,t, 1rbat ht:ttp l·een a- .rf'ifi, cover it ll'ith·thdskirt ofLo-pr, an4 P.eg apardop' . , [r.ol!J Heave'! for rite : · ~ome .may th_jnk._ bet_tef of me !hPln I c{e{erve, andothers worj(, but~ I pafs not for man.! judgment, (o both have ttn4~4. to _h~mble me, -~epa~fo I .do ~ot a~fwer ~hr apprehenfion~ of rhe one; . ~n.d ~ycorruptions ~xceed an) gro~nqed qnffdres of sf the oth~r ; ' # 1!Jtre but afirry bujinejfe t~ un4er.ti1Jit ·'tf '!Jindicati~~ of ~1. fo!f ( except wher~in thf Ga.fJel #.r conc,ern.ed); .Qh thatjof! a~d yours, ~ig~t bean4 . , ~othat whic~ is goo4; t~ough l fl:ould be tU Rel'rQ·, ·,_ Cpr.~s· bac~ a~4 ll"!·approv_.ed .~ ~ei. ,Chrift /i~e thou~h w!. 7.' ·.' · ·4J.eJ let fi~lf ~e enrzchrd, thO}!gh ~e b~ z.~pov,erifoed~ ' · ~on!~ to ~odpoor fo!lls ~idrrigna$ /pirituall<ingt, ~ ~or.~~· for th()f1g~ they fh.qf!l4}et~ 'tq ~xpl!td~ ~ fU meani " ~hereof, )tt ~f alfo pPOu/a rei_gnW1.'th thmt df JbArerJ th~r,ein,. tlf!d if! thaf?kful?Jejs ro G,od.for ~h~fr . ~erpy , ~ ltt peop! e. be trul1 r.ieh jn ._~r4ce., a~d PJt ri!Uft be fu!l ~f comfort, )'~a, o~r peopl~s-.f!tith fo.dll ro'!1for{~ i~ . ~ll our t?!flicrion ~ _Oh, bow ~uch l1~ul~ oilr pfopl~~ ••J:_ • .fpiritu~lgains _cou'!ter'?Ja!f ~ur temporallnffis? 'Tif ' Lttter,infi.J'!iU!J b~rur that you b~ rich ~itpOtfr'!ftlrtJ, \ ' ~han !l'f with J.OUr{, our grear.ef! tr_eafure ~·· M!~~ Iter~, fy.es ~n. yourfoul; R!chr.f, w~ fee~ pqt Y~Pf~,- , ' .·P..¥t 1~~ , ~.'!~~!! ~!'! f; ' !ritn[~f'!d~nll ~or.~j _eo~~·( -~ · · · · or: ' ,