Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

/ • ,J ' ' .' .i£·., c(9eatt·Zreafare~ , , •. - :.~. damnrng .at1d undoing of thoufands of fOllls! :'Why wil you not ufe,as much diligence fo~ your foules, as you~l do for your bodies,· ·o~ eftates ? · If you~ Bodie 'be in a ~tingeltous , 1 difeafe , or your, E!l:ate a:t haz.ard in ai-. intricatefuit ' you'l run and ride, and' make. t~, .. ~ 1t . friends, and pay anym~ney to ~no~, .wh3:t . fhal becomeofchem, and to fecure them : and ,aie' ~ no.t your fotlles mor~ worth, than a I fHnking ~arcalfe '; or Duoghil-dlat~- ? Sirs, pofe your ·f~lyes with ferJous que{l:ions .: He.art, how ts tt with thee~ Att thou tenewe cd '? What life ot grace is in thee? Are thy graces of the right ftamp ? Whither,arc rhpu · going?: . and get-difHntJ: and p'afirive An- -.· f wers:to 'fuch quefiions .as thefe ,: Let · rio~ ·d1y treacherous heart dallie with tbee; b~ ,~' noi: put oft with general hopes.ind'ground– leife conjecrur'es -: a ·man is eafilie ,induced 't6be11eve what hee would have! to be true, / ··-r ... ./ bucrefi not there; try further,. ~ike it our, _ h::>w .itcomes to be {-O,. detea, ana aofwer e– verie flaw in rhv fpiricual dlate : i'~ thou l . .A. ! .. ~ .... ' ' . canft no~ do this thy (df ,, .make thy cafe known ,to fome able:Minifier, or· ~xperien; . ccd C.hrifiian; tell themhow thi~gs are·with· thee,pbe"g advk~; - a~k them howi~was' with their fo1:1les, .and thou {halt finde much·hel_l?. -,£-at . . this way. Yet afrer all, fufpe6t thine own "J· · I3J· ~ heart : call in help fromHea:re?; d~ftre the ,_ Lord to fearch thee; and be wtlhng to be fift!" ed to the hran, fe~r~krrl-:to the· '6ott01!1. D4vid I ' is [o intent upqr(ir-, a.nd {o ~ffraid of ami– fiak~, that he;(lfeth three emphatic~! words~ ' ' itl . ; )