Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

. ' . . . · ·. He~rh7U{l/flte. , ~'11 '.in that chalJeng~ he ma~CS fo~ hisfo~]es di(. ProMvit quifidon, Pfalm 26. 2• Examme me, 0 L~ra, JM..::Z ~xllnd pr,fJI m~? .trl tn_y reln! An~ ~1 heArt : Tlie , {;~:~:~, . ~rll word tmporcs ~ vtew1ng. ~~ - ~~from a nbJftgrz 1 WatCh•tO,WC[; the{CC011d \fO[d lffiP,OftS a teffi- agn.Dfcere , pdQg~ or findii1g ou~a thing.by. q~efiions, in• ttinjlavit . r quil'y bv fignes, th~ lafl: w,ord 1mporrs fuch af~.,~ ~e.. J ( l d r. f. l ld .t 'CilVt.t, ~ tryal, as eparates t 1e ~ ro1s rom c1e ~~ · ,~ .Met.pvob~ The dregs fr,om·: the 'Wl11CJ fq the Chnthan vzt mde • .. Y/ou~d be.rryed, purg~d, that -~ ~ ~~enl~Y: ap,- s~repta,,;.· P ear true, ·fincere, iohd : and tnd,e~d, 1t s as v tl~ mr:- 'f'" •· ' ,.fl. c tat tea no.; . ~\~Ch ,as Y'?Uf fouts 'are wot:tn; '. oerelOte men. h;bet •I _rake _d1e .mofi , effetlual co~rfe ·tq ~lear Y?.ur ab offtrinit ,.fiate to your felves, ~~d be not put off wuh quifnu me- ., .anyanfwer,but what Wlll be accep.red by God talta exco~· · ' · at the.great day. . · . quul#tMr-, .. 3. Mourn over thy empty heart t ' if you . \ .£nde d1ings not rig_ht in ycLJr own he~rts la.., .me~tlt your ftate, cry our witha loud and bit~ ter cry, as ·Efa• did waen .the bleffing was ·gone ; lament and fay woe ~nd alas chat ever ·. 1wa~ born l chat I have lived thus longwith– out God in the World, at .fidl: entrance into · ' ·it a Bankrupt, and.~v.e·r fince afpititual beg– ga.r~ .Oh what will become of me, if I ~die in th~efface? there•sbut a fiepbetwixc me and death, _and the, next breath I breathemay be in _ever~afi_ing burning,. It is?- w~nder I 4m no~ hurl d mto Hell before thls, what fhall I do to be faved ? , Is there any hope of {uch a. . · · wret(h as .I am?. Oh that I could 'bathemy· . , felfin brinv•teares'of cvangeltcal repentance! .Oh how. Challl believeJin Jefus Chrifi,, that .I may receive rctn.iffien..·of. fin~l' _truth it is, · .. ~ l-1 fin, .~.. ·