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of thefúérall Semons. TheperfeEtpatterne oftrue ConuerGon. 3, Serm: nonMath. 03,44. DO C Te IN ES. i No enanfhell be 'admitted into the kingdomeof beauen hereafter, that doth trot,wake entrance to it in this Ife. p.a5i. r 2 Themeanesofaluation areatreafure. p.253. 3 TheWorth ofthe things that concernfeluation io vnfeenne. p.255. 4 Gnat 'mines isneceffaryto thefeekingoffalmation.p.zg6. 5 The knowledge ofthe thinge,which concern falnation, mull beehid inthe heart. p.259 '6 The vnderfanding andfeeling ofbeetienlythings, to thechildren ofgodis acanfo of ioy. p.263. 7 There mafl be aferiosuconfiderationwithour fleoes, what it will soft to bereligioses. p.266. 8 Inaft that hope tobe faxed, theremull bean utterforfahingofancientfins. p.268. 9 Sinnmuf be abandoned, not exchanged p.27r. no Not famefewbut ollfnnes, mnfl be difelaüned. 272. IT Sinnemullnot be leftforafit one y, butforeuer. p.27 S. Iz ThefweetneffeófReligionmu(las well befught/orastheknowledge.p.276. The baptizingofthe Eunuch. In 3. Serbs. mpen Aíl. $. 36,37,38. Doc T R I N E S. I To anobedient and cheerful/hearer, the WordofGod isneuerpreachedwithalfoe. ceye. p.28r. -z where theheart is tritely touched there isa deftre tobee a partaker of the Sacra. suns.p. 283. 3 Inwbomfoeuerthere is anytruth of Cbrif ianity,in thefame there isa defiretomake itknown to the Worldthat he is a Chriflian. p.z84. 4 Hewhichadmini(lereth theSacraments,ought tobe carefulsein/tcilithe people in things neceffary to the comfortable partakingofthe Sacraments.p,286. 5 Thereisa necefty of Faith, to theend a manmay be filchapartaker ofthe Sacra- ment as tomeet. p.288. 6 There isa kindeof faithout ofwhichcommethnogood tothefiole ofhimshot both it. p.292. 7 Only thatfaith maketb a man capableoffaluation, which is With al theheart. p.294. 8 hisnecefaryfor entry Chrifiian, tobe able töexpreffefor bimfelfewhat hebeleeues. p.297 g where thepower ofgodlineffe beareth fway,,there isno froWardaef ofdifiofstion, when one is dealt with in thematter ofaith. p,298, lo The beleeuing oflefua Chrifl tobe theSonne of God,.in the veryfub/lanceef that faithwhichis required tofaluation. p.300. i r SinceChriflscomming inthe (left, there is no beet ernefofoneplaceoboeanother fortheminiflrationofholy things.p.305. Iz In the Chriflian Church theSacrament ofBaptifinemniaccompany the ?rec. cbingoftheword. p. 306. Thetryall of Adoption. z. Serra. non 0. lob. 340. Do CTRIN E S. t There are inthe world childrenofthe Dinell ,asWelaschildrenofGod,p.;0 ;. a Betwixt