Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

TOTHE'RIOHT. WORSHIPFVL Sr. ANTHONIE R o y s of Halton in Cornwall KN IGH T. IR, being called vpon, to prepare theft' Sermons far a new Impr f ion by reviewing them , I haste emboldened my f lle to requeflyourgoodleaue,thou Ay they may beentitled toyourname. Neither let than t& Ipray you be themore vnwelcome , becaufe they be- ,E). come (as itwere) ata fecondhand; but be pleafed rather to interpret my purpofe thus that I would firfi trie them, how they couldbeare the light before Iwould aduentare them to your preface. Now therefore that they haue oncepalled the hands and cenfirre ofothers withforcefauvist. , I haue fo much themore courageto commendthem toyour vfe; not doubting with- al!, butthat ifat any they fhallpale TAM A R , the credit of your name, written in theirfront,lballmuchfurther their acceptance, chiefely with thole, to whom your longcontinuedrefeht to the truthofReligion, is notvnknowne, Ihope alfa that yourWorfhipwi/account this as an ad- deuce o fmy loue toyour foule,for which imull holdmyfelfeboundtohaue care ; becaufe albeit you liue not voidermyminlflerie, yet inafmuch asout of thatpartofyour faire Inheritance which lyeth heere, I recetuefame of mymaintenance, Imuff needsthinkeit my duty to beftow forcefpirituall gufo ^, by which I mightfomething further you inyour Wagetowards = Rom.,. rr; that Counfrey which Itraflyou ferke°; andfor your obtaining whereof b licbat..,. I will not mile topray. So, craningyour pardonfor myboldneffe, I reff, from Modbury. YourWorfhips in allChriftian refpeels, SAM. HIPROM. I z