Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

IZt ,, f:,1 7kkl¡V rM _ l,C'x,.,c.FA The fifth Sermon. Vcrfe 72. That he mightthew mercy towards oair Fathers , and rememberhie holy Coaenanr. 73. And the oath whichhefivare to our Father Abraham. Ow followes the inducementorreafonmouingGod eo vouchfafethis greatDeliuerance:and that was,the mani- reflation and chi-cowrieof two things: firll, his mercy, nit he mightthew mercy,&c. Secondly,his truth, eAnd remember hisholy Coaenant,&c. In the former ofthefc, two things moff be handled. , Firli,Thar the workeofRedemption by (Trill was ilteended The r, do. by God,as it were aflage,io whichthefidnesand earn theri- urine. con, 'stein-mercymight be f ene. Secondiy,a queltion,heiwthis workenow wrought (as it were)in the worlds last quarter,might be Paid tobe a workeofmercy to the Fathers,who lined incite primedayesdf theworld,long before Chrilt wasexhibi- ted in the fle(h. To manifest the firít ofthere two, this first is ingenerals tobe noted, that the Elea of God, which art redeemed byCh1 il'cs preciousblood, arecalledVeßels of mercy': because in the eternall coursiell ofGod they werechofeta tothms end, that the Lord might declare the richesofhisglary, and that their faluation might aRom. bee to the praifi oftheglory ofhisgrace f. The Lord intendinga memorable in.. fiance of bssvsipeakeable mercy, chore foam inChrill, tobeeredeemed from f finery by hisdeath. Secondly, is is worthy the ob[eruing,that the whole worke of our faluationis called by, this one word Mercy e. The reafon is, be- caufe to.which part foeuer of it we call oureyes,we fhall feemore then prints and g LP", a, te,. footfleps ofhisgrace ; thewholeframeof it (asit were) made ofmercy. Ifwee beginne at the foundationofall,(Godseternal) ele&ion) andpaffe dowse along tothe period andfull point.ofall ( the glorywhich (hallbe (hewed hereafter)and aske fromwhatroote cads partdid fpring, this one, mercy, mull bethe fumme ofeuery anfwer : There was metric in chiding ; mercy in fending Chrifi r merry in calling vs; mercy in iuftifying vs; and what can it be but mercy, that wee flail bee admitted' to asinheritance immortallandvndefiledb? Mercy the beginning, mercy the progreffe, the coecluionmercy. Indifcouering hereof, theburthen ht.Per.r.4, ofour fongmutt{Wire like that of the Pfalme, For hismercy endarethforeaer'. This very fame thing is (hewedin that parable ofthtProdigall. In thewhole 'Pfals3Br /mirage thereof, we than fee nothingbut the fruits ofexceeding mercy: He came &`' and fellers his necke, be kifed him, beecommanded tobringforththebefl robe, andto kill the fatte calte,k&c. What washere but mercy? Thefame is true in thedea- lingofGod the Farherwith choreto whom heis reconciled in his Sonne : Chriá kLak,tfss, beringfor them made finne, frelen the edgeofhis iultice; but they,beeing made righteous through Chrifl, enioy the fulneffe ofhismercy. This is,firfl, matterof information andoffettlement in thetruth. For heere wee lee, again(} the Papilla, that in thewhole worke ofmans redemption by The 1. Psi. L 3 atril},