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Thecóridgementof the goJel. 149. be called a Prophet, where wehaue feenewhatis thevfeand necefsitieofthe pub like Miviftrie. The thirdbranch followeth : wherein istaught, what it is, toprepare theway of the Lord; namely, togineknowledgeoffaluationtoCods people. Now togine know- ledge,in this place, isnot to infefeknowledge : ( for nomortali mancan doe that) but it fignifieth to ghee notice, and topublilh in that manner, thatall may per- conkwhat is meant,and that,iftheyremain ignorant,the fault may appeare to be their owne. Thiswas the office oflohn,and thishee did, asappeareth in the holy Storier, and for thatcaufe he was called a fryers. The words thusexpoun- y Math. 3.11. ded doe affoard vs threedo&rives. &'. The firft is; That he who deßres to makewayforChrifl, andtodrawdifeiples anto him, nsafl finely tobe able to rpm the page the hidtreafsreofthe Script:ere. Wee fee Dan. 3 here, that iris theM;niftrers duty topmpare the sfr Chrift ; now to prepare a Way for ChrifLis togiue knowledgeoffaluation:And what isthat, but(as the Apo. file fpeaketh) topublìfh thefecret of the Gofpell'; and to lay foorth the myfterie of a Chrift in that manner, that menthefienple mayatraine fharpneffe of*handclod- benknowledge anddifcretion6thereby i' Aminifter is calledan Embfadassr'tend b Proua,4, much is requiredto thedifchargeofan Embaffáge. Hue that 'hall be therein em- c z.Cor.s.zo. ploied,muff beea manof vndet (landing, ablerotreat toand froof theaffaires of his Soueraigne as occalrons(hallbe offred. The fame istrue in his fpiritüallmel- fage: He that carriethit had need tohabe the tongueof the Learned a, and it were dray 50.4. good, that his lips did prePraseknowledge' that bee may beeable tofaeisfiethe eMae.i.7, doubts of thole which defire certainely of infotmation in Gods troth. This . madeEliha call him'eve ofaiheufand , andTaal to fay, Who isfieeicientfer theft f fob; .za, things g, ga Cor.a.r6, This may bee agood admonition to therewhich aftet thiscalling é that they The T fe pre(fe not rawly intoit: Lookevnto ie i that thou lease eats the retie h, that thy hErb.;.t, tombmaybe tonchedi,and thy heart filled withthe right vnderftandingofthe my- iter.r.9. fiery ofChrift; otherwife thou can't haue no hope to prepare the way for Chrift, orto wine Coniesunto God. Thefecunddoetrine from hence is ; That the Minfiler kiting topreparefoules The4.dolê. for Chrifl, muff fo preachin that plaine andfmsliarfort, as that (if itbeepubic) the knowledge of f aluationmayfromhimbederiuedvntoa llthat hearehim. This isiuilifi- ableby this place: For how (halla ldiniffer be truly laid toggue knowledge offalse. risa, ifh' lap vphisfpeèch in Inch a niií'tofworcis, that the meaueltand (hallow- cil among(}the hearers cannot enderftand it?Such a kindeofpreaching is rightly conpared toa Trumpetgiuing andvncertainefóund,at thehearing whereof noman can tell howor whentoprepare himfelfetathebattak: fo if he which fpeakes in kr.Cor.r4,á. publike,doefpeake in Inchhigh rearmes and obfcurephrafes , that ordinariemen cannotconceive what bee intends , how {hall they by his preaching be furred vp to any good feruice , how !hall they prepare themfelues to fightagainft Satan? Hencewas that worthyrelolutionofPauli ; 1 had rather in the Church to fpeake finewards, &c that l might alfo infírufl others, then ten tboufand words in a/frang; tongues : la which place bya(]range tongue,may notonly be vnderftood,the (pea- - s.Cor, is, kingof Latine;or French, or the like amongft Englifhmen, but the (peakingof the mother tongue in Inch a ((range falhion , that itmay feemeall one tothehea- rers,as ifone fpake in the molt vnknowne language. The wantof thispainted eloquence brought Paula preaching into dilgrace among the learned Grecian,, whencecame that phrafe;Tbefaohfhnesofpreaching '', yet 'Paulftillwenton with- maCar.sas outexcellencieofwords, or theentifingfpeeebofmans wefedome, &Wakedonly the plaineexidenceof the )(+irie.: fothac thin was no Imall comfortvseohimehm bee n nCoe.e.4 had preached the Gape!after that familiarmanner , that he mighttruly fay , If ear Gogelbehid,it is bid notóthem thatbe loft v. It is a fie companion in which a o aCor.4, z, Preacher is likened co a Nurfe P. Narfes doe halfe chew theovate to thelittle a aTáaa- ones,