Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

17Z The Backe-parts of Iehouab, dHfof.5,1, Codaeeleuechildren^. Asthen God wilfnotfaileinany prom ireofinerey 'two vs,fo fhouldwe make confciencenot to fails in any promife of obediencevino him. Wee pronriled in ourBaptilme to forfake the Diuell and all hisworks, to walks intheway ofGodscommandemenrs. Every time weecome ro theLords Table, werenew this promife in thefewords ; And herewe offer vp voro tbee, nor felmes,ourfomtes,and eonhodtes, tobe areofonable, boy, and limb y faerifice snot thee,) Whatwee doe privately God knoweth, but every timewee meet together here; we make (hew toobeg grace rho: wemay limoagody, righteous,and afoberlife,Now ifwe lookeandhope that God Ihouldbe conftant in hispromifes to vs,it is great reafon,that we fhould Cooke to the vowes, withwhich wehaue tied ourfeluesto him. With what face can wee lay any claims to the promifes of Godsmercy, when the Lord d,all have fuchcaufc toaccept againff rs, thatwe hauebutdallied withhim, profefsing torenounce theworkesof saran, and yetwalking after the courfeof theworld, like the children of difobedience, teemingdefirous to line foberly, righteoufly,and godly, and yet lining in ignorance, in exceffe, in vanity,inprofanenes, in contempt ofall goodnes I Wherefore letvs labour hereintobe like vnto God : whatfoeuer good he pro- mifeth tovs, bee will furely performer the obedience whichwe haue vowed to him, let vsmake confciencetopra&ife. The endofthefirji Sermon.