Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The Bac e-parts ofIehotah. 181 reckoning for the fame. For this caufeGod fpeaking inthe Scriptureof forging nefe, ro lignífiethe true meaning thereof, vfeth there manner of fpeeches : / haze pit away thy tranfgreffons ad acloud, andthy finner as a miff ` meaningthat as the rra:}}.i x. ftrngthandheave of theSupne dilfolueth the clouds, anddifperfeththemills, thatih:y appeare not, fo the bright beanies of Gods fauout.doe bandaway finne, thatit is neuer afeet tobe fe'eue, In another place, 1 willforgiue their inigaà tÿ,and remember theirfanner nomore d. A gaine7n thef deice (faith the Lord) the in. dIer; r g iguiq ofIliac/ fool!befoughtfor,andthere fha(ibenone,andtbefirnes ofWeb,do they fhallnet befound Tothis endGod is raid toga(Ifirmer behinde hisback! %andinto eler fono, the bottame ofthe Sea s. TheCe manner of fpeeches the Scripture vfeth to Guw ftfas6ag. what it is roforgize, coca tomakefucha final! andthrough riddance ofout fins, gMich.yrq, as that they (hall neuer be brought into judgementagain{}vs to condemne vs. The foundation ofthis forgiuenefle offinne, is the merit ofChrifl ; Inhimwee hare redemption through hirblood,theforgweneèeffimrerh. Tomake thismanifeff h and for Chrifl fides are forgmen, we muff confider; that in finne there are threethings;The firfl is,theoffence it felfe,the ftrayingandabberration from thewill of God,bywhichGod is offended. The fecond is, the guilt, by which the Party offending is lyable vntoeternallpunilhment. The third is, the blot, the corruption, the Raise, which the fincommitted leauesand imprints inthe offen. der,as a fruir by which followeth all aptnelle and pronenepe incite hearteither to the fame finne,orro. anyother. Thefe three areabolifhedby themerit of Chrill. The fault is rernoouedby his obedience:The guilt is takenaway byhis fufferings: ,The corruptionhidden by his holinelfe, and the very beeiog of ire dailydimini. shedby the llrengthand pow`, f hisSpirit. Ifany man áske how this can be, I anfwer that it commeth'to ;, +?sit, by that which .weecall Imputation, by which there is a kinde oftranflation,'or putting overof the Beleeuers finsvnto.Chrill, andagaine, ofChrillsrighteoufnestothe Belecues. Chrifts obedienceis coun- ted theobedience ofthe Beleeuer : His fufferings, the.rufferings ofthe Beleeuer: Hisholiricll' c,theholinelfeofthe Belecuer:The ng d. edlandingofthispoint, is the very ftaffeof all true comfort in religion. Than have opened thole fire (email branches, by which the natureof Gods infinite mercy is defcribed; The femmeofall is this : He is a God full ofcompafsion andpityingour mifetiçs, a God whodelighted) inmercy,and vouchfafethhisgrace withoutgrudging t one who is not eafily prouoked, but fuffereth long, provoking rather by blefsingse- ` lien themoll obftinate,to returne,and binding himfelfe by hispromifes toaccept their fubmifsion ; neither can the riches ofhismercy be confumed,he hath enough in (lore for thoufands ; andwharfoeuer- theeuili bee, whether the corruptionof ournature, orthe finfislncllhof ont lines, or ourinfolent and prefumptuous car- riage towardshim, all is one, it is Toone fwallowed'vp in the botromlèffe gulfe of his mercy, ifthe haynouscolour ofit were as deepe as thefcarlet,hewill make it refireac thefnew before him'. This isthe true fenceand Meaning ofthis deicrip- tión. Let vs now cometomake vfeof this heauenly do&rine ofGods mercy. But firll Icrud (hew you two things, t: the necefsityof this doftrine t a. towhat kinde ofpeople itappestaines. Concerning the neccfsity of this do&ring, it may (perhaps) feeme to Come Theneceflitf (the loofeneffeof the times confidered) not fofitting, and that themen of this of,hedolrin generation doe neederather that one firould come amongthemwith a rod, then God,mercy. in thef firitofineeknesk. Iconfelfeehat our age isa forlorneage, andthat iniquity krCor,}.xa. bathgot thevpperhand. I knowalfo, that peones mdlsot beco.!! before Jiwineimoor IMa,.v.6. thecbddrtns breadgisentowhelpss; yetIknowtoo ,thatthefpoufeofChriltmull mMat'r546' not bee robbed of this pearle, nor Gods children abridgedof theirneceffary food. Chrill himdelfe isa flew to f tonbkat,anda rock,of*fencetofome, yet too- thershesnek!ondprecimuo and v,and wee mull have more refpeetto one humbled a Pet, 2.4 andbrokenhearted firmer, then to amitynine which know notwhat belongs to repo/.