Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

. TheChri /1ians burned/. Comegoe with thedrone and arecarriedwith-the rnultitude,Come are led onlyby thecourfes oftheir forefather§, they hold ita foreway,todoas theyhaue done; the direftionofChria Iefusfpeaking inthe Scriptures, and reuealinghis aduice vetovs inthe miniaery of hisChurch; is leaf} lookedafter. Each man in thefe caresthinker hiinfelfe wife enough to beehis owne adaifer. Inphylickewe feare ourowne iudgement, and beleeuetheDoor ; inthe Law, ourCouncellour ; in otherthingswe feeke tomen that profeffe knowledge, andare ofvnderlanding in thofe thingswhereinwedelire direetion: but in Diuinity,and in the cafes of the foule, moltmen imagine theyare able toafford themfelues councell good e- nough : hence is it, that theknowledge ofGodsword isnotcared for, theope- ningofit by expofition, theurging it by exhortationand reproofe, there things arelittle eIeemed: and indeed, if menbeefo wife, that theycan bytheir owne wifedomeguide themfelues, wherefore Ihouldthey value them ? Butearfed bee theman (faith the Scripture)thatmakethfiefh hra arme, andwitbdraweth hisbeat pler,r74. from theLorde; Godcurfeth the fanciesofineas owne hearts, and giuethablef- fingonely tothe obedient yeelding to his owne ordinance: whatcourfeComer is framed without the word,beit in mansreafon neuer foplaufible; nay whatfoeuer isfought forin the wordwith a relying vpona mansowne privatecolleaions in contemptor negleet ofthepublique meaner, theLorddoth neuerbleffeir, ittur- neth intoerror,and leadeth theft that trult veto it into deftruetion. This there- forewe are taught hence, ifwe defire(as becomesvs) toproceed in good things, and according to theaduiceoftheSpirit ofGod to be ledforwardwoo perfedlion, we mull reek the direftionof theonly true guide Chrift Iefus inthe Scriptures: If we befirangersin the booke ofGod, we cannot chufe but be millaken, if wee would make true benefitby theWord, the ordinanceofGodmutt be regarded s and what euerhe be thatwouldbe guided inthewayoflife, hee mußrange him. felfe among the commonorder oflearners inehrißsSchoole. This is the right way, there isnoblefsingpromifed ofGod toanyothercourfe. Now youwill fay tomet (perhaps) this is a very vncertaine and hazardouscourfe, to binde our felues tobe guided by men, efpecially nowadaies,whenaathe worldis fo full ofSeducers, and thofe Seducers alto fo full offubtilty, and euery one making pretencesofthe truth tobe on his fide? Ianfwer,Iperfwade not to this, to build vponmen, as though weAmulet receiue direetions for matter offaluationvpon trua,beleeuing euery thing that is commended to vs, by thofe that bean the nameof Teachers iy,<vodsChurch : that were an intollerable bondage, and a gsloh.4.s. flauery nottobeenlisted ; fortheft:irk:wmflbetryedq; and the Scripturesmun be examinedwhethertheir doetrinebe according. Ifyou faytherein yet no cer- tainty, for as they maymiltakeinteaching, fo mayyou in fudgingalto; I an-, fwer,we mullbe fo much themore cornea with the Lord inprayer, that his fpi- rit may conduei vs ; and this ruleinrnolt thingswee mayproceed by. That do_ etrine whichaymethat this, tobring menonly to Chria, by drivingthemout of themfelues, torea alonevpon hisworthineffe,and giuethno colour ofliberty to any fin, but Stillßriuestokeepethe corrupt natureofmanwithin compaffe;that do&rineIfay is the true way, the Preacher thatdraweth tothis isa true guide, and hisdirection cannot deceiuevs. This isa plain ruleealie tobe conceiued,it is a fhort rule, ealleto beeremembred, it is a rule,' eafre tobee confirmed, in as much as it agreethwith the whole(copeof theScriptures, which isChriaIe_ fun freely ivaifying vs by imputed righteoufneffe before God, and powerfully renuingvs,and fanetifyingvsby hisSpirit,to thedeclaringof the fruitsofobedi- encebeforemen. This is thelira thing that mußaccompany our caretogoeon in theway tolife; adependancevpon the trueguide Iefus Chria, reuealing his holydireaions to vs in his Word. Inforcematters ofinterpretationofparticu. far texts, orTomepoints ofReligionof leffer moment,it is pofsible for men of the greatenvndçrftanding finallytomiaake; but he that will in humditie, and in