Hoadly - BX5136 H6

( 59 ) and Bent, of Men's Minds, from Con- cerns of infinite Moment, to Trifles of no Confideration; how manyOpportuni- ties they will ever giveour common Ene- mies,within, and without us, to carryon their Defigns ; and perhaps, at laff,to bring about our utter Ruiner Refle& on all this, and much more that might be added ; and then confider ferioully with your felves, whether it can be enough for you to follow your own Inclinations, without any regard to the World of C.hriflians about you ; add whether it can become you to refufe to do any thing in order toput an End to thefe Miferies. Lail of all, Think not your own E- ternal Salvation unconcerned in this Mat- ter : Fór thePreceptsof theGofpel make it the indifpenfableDuty of every Chrifti- an, tofollowafter Peace ; to avoid every Practice that may prove the occafion of Vncbaritablenefs ; and to promote Love, Concord, in the World. And, cer- tainly, there is Forceenough in all thefe Confderations, to induce Tou to forfake the Separation you are engaged in, and to praEtice Conftant Conformity to thé Church of England. FI1`1.IS,