Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Souks cif-dime' cading to Chriít- 163 accounts; wouldany have ahatvefé and yet nei- ther plough nor Cow ? this is the prafticeofmany in this point of delire, they thinke they defire Chrift, and grace, and tnercie, and yet never en- devour after it : It is obfervable, theflmardde- Prov.i3. 4, f rethand bathnothing, he delires mea-t,and yet he flarves; he defiresciothes,and yet isnor covered; he defires riches,and yet dyes a beggarshis delire never accomplitheth any thing, he could becon- tent tohave this and that, but hee will doe no- thing for ìt,therefore he bath nothing,this is the plaure ofa lazie profefïour,he defires mercy,and hedelires that God would pardonhis finnes and he defires that God would give him grace againfr hiscorruptions, butalas ! the defireofthe floth- full isall in talking,and becaufe hedothnothing, therefore bee hath nothing at the time of his death, andday ofhisdeparture, hee hath neither mercy, nor favour, norgrace, nor affurance, but perifheth everlaffingly : hence itis thattheLord dealethwith the flugard anfwerable to his de- fire : The de[âreofthe fluggardkilleth him, faith the Pray.zr,2Ç. text, becaufe he cannot get his hands to labour : Tome Interpreters, holy, and judicious, doemar- vellous fitly expref e a fltrgr and by this placeof Scripture; it isnot laid, becaufe hee cannot get hisheart tolabour, but becaufe he cannot gethis hands tolabour;as ifhe lhould fay,it isgood for a man to labour, it is good-to heare andprav,butI cannot get my hands to it : the liirggard faith, prayer in hisfamily is 'good and commendable, and the Lord requites it, but thy tongue will not fpeake,