Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

164 he Soulec eJfeRuallcalling toClhriff. fl:eake, his knees will not buckle, the fault isnot thy ton uä and knees, hut in thy heart, there- -fore the textfaith, his delire will kill him, and . that will be his bane, for when the fluggard (hall thinke he Lathdcfired grace,and mercy,and par- don, and falvation, and {hall miffe of that hee thought hee truly dcfired, when hee !yes on his death.bcd,and feeth that his delirevanifheth and comestonothing, this will flayhim, becaufe his Iabour wasnot anfwerable,hisdelire wasnot pro- ñtable,his labourwas nothing, therefore his de- lire brought him nothing. Thefe lazie profeffours you would thinke there were but fewof them in the world, but thefe lazie droanes fwarme every where, and are the very plague-Iores ofour fa. milks and rownes, they.could becontent tobe as they ought, and doe as they fhould, but they ne- ver labour todoe thatwhich God requires,there- fore let me enter into tome particulars,and I will ranke thefe lazie hypocrites into foure formes, that every one may feeofwhich forthe is. 4 Sorts oftar.ie The firft fort are thefe, whowhen theyenjoy Hypocrites. the meanes of falvation marvellous profitable and plentiful!, when wifedome hath killed her fat things, and refined herwines, and furailhed her tables, every one may come and eat of.my meat,anddrinkeofmy wine,now thefe lazie pro- feffours cffecme not, receive not any benefit by thefe blellings which God offers,andwifedome tenders to them, but complaine of' too much bread,and too much wine, and toomuch manna, they will not take that mercy which is offered; a 411