Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

42 The Solder eefluallcalling toChriPt. all good , and will make us partakers of what it path; foalb it will difpofe ofus, andofthat it be. Roweth uponus. Mercy will not orielyhave firmer, but it will rule andorder thatgrace it natl4 bellowed upon the foule. For ifmercy purchafe a foule at fo high a rate, as thebloodofthe Lord Jeras; it isright that the foulepurchafed bygrace, andfupplyed with grace, that mercy should pofe itfor the honourofGod. You are not your owne, faith the Apoflle, b.: bought with a price; therefore you mull glorihc the Lord inbodyand foule. Nay,itis not onc'y right that mercy fhould doe it but reafon,and beneficial! to the foule,that mercy fhould doe thus. Nay, I fay, unleffe that mercy fhould rulea man, he had not beene able to give full content to the foule. If the Lord Mould leave anypoore foule to the deflinyofhis own, heart, and the maliceof Satan, bee would runne to ruine prefently : he is notable to fuoply his owne wants and todifpofe ofhisowne fpirit, and employ aright his owne foule. For if Adam inhis innocency , hada llocke in his owne hands, fell and perifhed : then ifmercy fhouldput a man into the fame eflate that Adam was, aman fhould bring himfelfe in. o the fame mifery that Adam wasbrought into: but there is that fulneQe ofthat mercy, that is inChrifl that it wil bellowall go- id needful or me ; fo altó, it will difpofeof that good in me, fo that Satan ¡hail never prevaile,the world (hall never overcome, normy corruptions bearefway inme; but the Lord fhill ruleme for ever :gnd this isthelnefirafGods mercy. Ga- ther