Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The SeuleJejfeluaaealling toChrift. therup the point then,that we may feewhat wee muff learne. There is fufiiciency in mercy toRip- plyall wants nay, there is ability in mercy to communicate that it hath,andwe fund inneedof. Nay,mercy will preferve us ; and that it gtveth to us, againft all oppofitions that can befall thee. This is the lefron that the foule muff learne, that it may be able in force meafu re to fee theway, and learn the path that leadeth to everlang happinefFe. This is the firft leffon that the foule muff learneofGod theFather. For theute of this. Its this the leffon the foule Inuit learn? then looke wifelyupon it ; andwhen this comes upcn thee, and forrow afl"ailes thee heavily, doe not Tooke in*_o the blackebooke of confcience,and thinkethere to finde fupply ; nei- ther looke into the booke of the privileges and performances, and thinke to finde power out of thy owne fufficiency : Looke not on thy finnes to poreupon them, whereby thou fhalt bedifcoura- ged ;neither look into thy owne fufficiency, thin- king thereby to procure any thing to thy felfe. Thefearebut leffonsofthe lower forme.It is true, thou muff fee thy finnes, and forrow for them ; but this is forthe lower forme, andthoumuff get this leffenbeforehand: and when thou haft gotten this lefïon ofcontrition and humiliation, looke candytoGods mercy, and therichesofhis grace ; and be fare as you takeout tl is leffon, take it not out by halves, for then you wrong mcrcv, and your felves too, ifyou thinke that bare workes will ferve,and that is all. No) noamercy will rule you, ; 43 Y er