Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

tSS TheSouketeftáuall calling to Chrift. world, ifhee hadnot holinef 'e, hee could notbee fatished and ifhe hadholìnefrb, though heehad not eafe, hee would beecontented : I fay, hada gracicus heart eate andquiet, and yet had avile andpolluted foule, ifhisolddiftempers were frill remaining, andhis old corruptions full continu. jog, he would complaine and fay, I havecafe and quiet now, but my heart is as bad as ever. If bee hadcafe and not holinetfe, he could not bee fatif- fiedif hee wereofaright.ftampe, and if heehad holinefre and more po eragainft finne, and the pretenceofChrift prevailingwith him, and pur- singhim from corruptions, he wouldble&Gods Name : that is the fi cond. Cenclufton The third conclu(ion is this, doe not content 3 your felves in this, that you fee a need of a Savi. our, becaufe your mindsare inlightned therein, and your reafonpet fwaded thereof; when in the meane time youplace a kinde ofconfidence up- on the duty performed, and fervt ce difcharged, and thinke to bring Chrift thereby tobee atyour becke, and you in the meanewhile doe what you .pleafe,.this is awonderful! cunning craft ofSatan. This I fay then, Aman may fee a needofaSa- viour, but doe not quiet thy foule becaufe thou knoweft it mutt bee fo, and becaufe thou findeft by experience thou canft not helpe thy felfe; the guilt of finne frill ftickes upon thee, and there. HowSatande.. forea;Saviour nowmuff helpe thee. I fay,con- ludrh the route tent notthy felfe with themeerenotion ofit, to . I fee it uft be fo, and fo it thould bee fo, and reft thy felfe contented in theperformanceof Cer- vices,