Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thesonic:cifEivall calling toChriff, vices, and thinke tobring a Saviour robeat thy á áSu the becke, todoe what thou wilt for thy Conk this fouls. is a flight or fecret that Satan hath pinned to thy foule. Many thinke tohave a foveraigne author rityover Chrif}when they have performed holy duties. So that an Hypocrite doth not ufe the means tobe led to Chrift,thatChrifk may difpofe ofhim ;but he takes uphis duties tobe comman- ders ofChrift, that hee may difpofe ofChriu to ferve hisowne turne : fo that he makes Chrifi an abettor ofhim in his wickednefíe, not a fubduer ofhis corruptions. This is a marvellous deceit, when men reft in their owne abilities, and fo abufe Chrift, notentertaine him. An Hypocrite prayeth not formercy, that mercy mayrule him, but thathereby hee might command Chriff, and difpofe of him, to take away the flingof finne, that fo he may dally with finne. And this will ap- peare in twopaWages. Obferve in the firft place before the commifiì- Rule i. onoffn, how thyheart is in the performanceof duty; loth thyprayer, and hearing, andperfor- manceof fervices, make the venturous and foole hardy to meddlewith corruptions ? then it is a certainegrobnd, thou placeft carnal! confidence in thy owne performances. As for example ; Ifa profeffor thouldfay, what if I doenowand then finne ? and what if Idoe now and then pilfer and ufe falfe weights and meafures ? I will pray but fo much the more, and fat fo much the ofrner; will not conficence then be fatisfied ? It (hall be fatisfied, I will command it, I will put in baile B b for