Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The S'aulet effetivalócafling to Chriti- 2®F felfe) had it not in his owne power and fuflìcien- cie, it mull come from thy power, and thy pro- mile, and thy grace, and blefling. Now, gocd Lord, worke this in the heart of thy poore fer- vanr,I would faine havea delire Lord from hea- ven ; thus hale downe a delire from the Lord, and from the promife, for there only you mutt have it, this is the courfe wherebyyou may par- take of this delire from the handof the Lord. When the Church was lazie and fluggifh, and would not rife, the hands of her beloved droppedc nt. 4, mirrhe upon the handle of the doore,and this railed and palled up theheart of the fpoufe, and the lin- gred after him, and followed him, and purfiied him,and her heart was quickned and inlarged to feckeafter him,whomher foule loved andprized, and fromwhom the expe6led that good íhe nee- ded. It ought to bee fo with our defires, they muff proceed only from the fparkeof the fpirit; Thefmokingflax G)d will not quench, aZl lax of it Matth. I Z. felfe will not fmoke,but a fparke muff come into it and that will make it catch fire and lmol,:e thus lay your hearts before the Lord, and fly, Good Lord, here isonleflax, here is only a flub- borne heart, but f}tike thou by thypromife one fparke from heaven, that I may have a ¡rakingde- fire after Chriff, anda longing delire after grace, that I may walke with more care and more con- fcience with thee hereafter, Ming the meanes thou haft appointed for my good, that theymay at the lafi worke untomy good; this take no- ticeof above all the reft, for he that thinkes to C c 3 get