Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

t02 Tbesouleteffelinall calling toChriflr. i.ra 4gee. getadtfîre from himfelfe, will not labour tool). mine from the handsof the Lord. Therefore la- bout toufeall meanes,and labour to fee aweaknes in all means, and expea this delire onelyfiom thehandsofthe Lord.Thus we fee themeanshow wemayget thisdelire. Thus we feehow the Lord learnes every facul- ty his le&ure, the mind hathbeene inlightned,we have done with that, hope hath beene ftirred, and delire quickned, thefewehave'likewife fini- shed. We come now in the fourthplace to treat of two other faculties ofthe foule, Loveand Loy; which becaufe they are fo neerly combined to- gether both innatureand forme,as we(hall heare hereafter: therefore withyour patience handle them together, and read one Le&hure to them both. But before I proceed tomeddlewith the particulars, let me prernife (omething in thege- nerall,that wee take all rubs out ofthe way, and that none may Bumble at that which (hall bede- livered. Therefore let noman thinke it Grange, that I comehere to meddlewith Love andJoy,as though I would make fanaification to goe before juffification; for wherefoever we finde loveand joy,they feeme rather the effe&s that follow faith, than tobe the feeds and fpawne tobring in faith: Methinkes thefe doubts fhould not trouble any, iftheydid but confider what weehave fpokenal- ready in theworke of preparation. But a little totakeaway thefe rubs, take notice ofthree en- fuing pafhages, which will cleare theway to that which afterward fhall be Cpoken. Know in the firft place, it isnot mine intend- ment