Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoule' eicilawtica/lind to Chrift. berme other things, the glaife of it (elfe bath no fuch heat in it, but when i bath received the beanies of the Sunne, is hears and bermes osier things, as flax, and loch combuffiblematter;, but it is by the heat or the beanies of the Sunne re- ceived, otherwile it coulddoe nothing. So it is with anhumble firmer, hee leth flew rr ceive the beames of Gods mercy, and waits when theSun ofrighteoulncfie wall thine from heaven comfor- tably upon his hurt; and being warmedwith the beames of Gods love and favcur effe&tally, bee is ati le to refle&tire heat ofloveand joy backe againe : this is the fecond thi gig. Thirdly, the Dociririe faith, that loveand joy .Pafage 3. are kind led, that theymay entertaine and rejoyce in the riches of Gods mere,. f his laftclaufe is added to difcovcr the dirference, and to make knowne the dr(tinft niture ofthis love and joy here, from all the faired and falfe love and jny, urli ch hypocrites pretend to have, and feeme to exprefle ro the Lord Jails Chrift. Therefore I fay this love and j',y is kindled not onely to ern - tertaine him, and rejoyce in him; for there is a kinde of entertaining and rejoycing i i Hypo- crires, bats had a Haile Matter, and the common peo-le fpread their garments, and welcomed Chrift, crying Hofunna, blefled ú fee that commeth in theName nfth.e xoft H;gh; and the young man pretended a deare affethon toChrif}, Marier, I willfoYew thee whither foever thou g#ef And the ,{Tony ground received the word withJoy, and with `Nail.i . love too, for they goe both together, for that Dd z joyes 207