Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

'tog Thesouleteffeaualdcallingto Chrift. joycs ina thing,cannot but love that he rejoyceth in So that wee feeall thefe.had a kinde of joy, but it isnot that kinde of joy that come s from the Father, neitt er w:11 it carry it feife befeettirg the riches ofGods mercy ; for bee that faluted his Malter Alhaile;in conclufïonbetraj'edhim: is this your joy and love you entertaine Chriltwithal' ? $o that young man.that wouldfollowhimwhiti er- foever hewent,prefenrly forfooke him : And they that evennow cried Hofanna, Hefanna, bieffed be lace that cornmeal in the Name of the Highefl, anon crye as fart, crucifie him,cruci fie him ; and they that received the Word with joy, when temptation and perfecution 4came, rejeeaed it: This.joy is a foolifh imaginationhammered our oftheir Anvill,, for bafe ende and by aimes; but theycarry not themfelves befeeming the riches ofGods mercy revealed to them. For, Hee that loveth father ,or mother, or brother or Eder, more than me it. not worth" oftre,f<tithour Saviour :-that is hoe that prifeth any thing more, and delights inany thing more than Chr,ft; is not worthy of him. .Therefore whofoever he be that beftowes his love and joy more uponany thing in this world, thanupon Chriíf; it isnot a love and joy befeeming him, nor brought fromheaven, bur proceedsfrom a bafe rotten heart, and willfaile us, and bring noprofit nor comfort in theend. This then fitificeth for the fenfe, and proofe of thepoint;we come now toopen it a little;where- in for explication, and confirmation thereof ;. weewill handle there two,things : Firftweewill thew