Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoda eftïivallwiling toChrift. 209 Phewyou the reaCon oftheorder, why afterhope and delre, there comes this love and boy. Se- condly, we will difcover the motivesandgrounds what it is in thepromife that will kindle and ftrike fire, and inflame thefe two affeaions, and bring them to the Lord. Firfi,youwill fay howcomes love and3a next Reafon,r. afterhope anddelire ? I anfwc r, you mutt know there is nomorebut two affections in the foule, God infinitely wife having fo framed ir, and thefe two are hope and delire. Theunderitan- dingfaith fuch a thing is profitable and comfor- table,if I had it, thenhope is lent out to wait for thatgoodneífe, and if it comes not, then delire the fecund affeétion is fent out to meet the good; hope (lands and waits for ir, but delire wanders up anddowne,feekingandengnirit g alter aLord Jells, andgoethfromcoal tocoal, fromEaft to Weft dh that Icould, andoh that I might, and when(hall I, andhow may I come to the fpeech ofa Lordjelus Ghrift. As kwas with theSpoufe in the Canricles,whenher belovedwasgone, the wandred up and downe, feekingofhim, and en- quiringof the watchmen ifthey didnotfeehim fo'defire wanders from this thing to that thing, from thisplace to that place, and never ceafeth, tofee ifit can gaine noticeofCl rift : Itgoethto prayer tofee ifthatwill intreat a Chrift: It goeth to the Word to fee if that will reveale him : It goeth to conErence to fee if hecan heare of a Chrift there : then it commeth to the congrega- tion, and to the Sacrament, to feeif it can heare D d 3 any