Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soute: 'if cFfua!!callinX to Chriff. points, becaufe it is fomewhat difficult, and is the fcoee of that place, 2 Tim. i. 7. TheLord kath not given_yeu thefpirit offeare, but ofafoundminde. The fpirit of feare,is the fpirit ofbondage,in humilia_ tion&contri6on.When the Spirit fheweth a man his [-juries and fhewethhim that he is inbondage, and in fetters ,lets himget out how he can; this is the fpirit of feare and ofbondage. In the fecond place, there is the fpirit ofpower. But what is this fpirit ofpower? You mull imagine this fpirit of power doth rot intimate any particular grace,but as it were the finewes and ftrength of the worke ofthe Spirit,conveying it (elfe through the frame oftheheart : aed this I terme to bee the efeé}uali workeof theSpirit of God. When the foule is humbled, the Lord fweetly communicates into the foule a fiipernaturall and ipirituall vertue. Lafily, as it is innature, take a knife, if it be rub- bedon a Loadffone, it will draw iron unto it now itcannot doe that, becaufe it is a knife, but becaufe it is rubbed on a (lone:and receives vertue therefrom : So it is with a heart humbled, it is a fit fuhje61 for the graceofGod to worke upon : the loveofGod is like the loadflone, and if the heart be rubbed thereupon, andafe&ed with the fweetneffe thereof, it will beeable to dole with that mercy, and come to that mercy, andgoe to God, from whence that mercy comes. 4. What is the behaviour of the foule,when it bath learned this leffon from the Lord ? I anfwer, When thefe two things meet toge. ther in the foule, then it bath learned this leffon The