Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheseulesefchuallBalding to Chrifl. 45 comes topaffie,that the text faith,the Fathermuff teach this lefíbn. The third queflion is this, After what manner QL.41. 3. cloth the Lord teach the foule t Chrifi fpeakes now of the worke of the Spirit : and that you maynot bemifiaken, know this, that theworke ofthe Spirit doth alwayes goe with, and is com- municated by the word; therefore if the queflion be, After what manner doth God teach thefoule to fpellout this leBureofmercy andpardon ? Ianfwer briefly, TheLord 'teacheth the foule 4' w. byhis Spirit. I told you that before, that not only the Father, but the Sonne and holy Ghofl alfo teacheth : the Father from himfelfe, the Son from the Father,and the holy Ghofl fromboth: There- fore underfland what I fay, the Spirit oftheLord doth not onely in the generall,make known Gods mercy ; but doth inparticular, with flrength of evidence, prefent to the broken hearted (inner the right ofthe freenß'eof Godsgrace to the foule; nay, it holds thofe fpeciall confederations to the heart, and prefenteth the heart with them: not onely fo, but in the fccondplace, the Spirit doth forcibly in the rellifh ofthat grace into the heart, and by theover-piercingworke,doth leave forcedint offupernaturall and fpirituallverme on the heart. The Spirit doth not onely with truth bring home the evidence to theheart,but it is Hill whifpering, and calling, and making knowne the fame,and forcibly foketh in the rellifhofthe free- neQeofGods grace, and leavethadint offuperna turallvertueupon thefoule. Wewillcxpreffe the G points