Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soutesefelluaffcallsng toChrift. 49 is apoílibility in mercy to five a man : hopeex- pe&s it ; but then the foulemutt looke onely to Chrift for mercy, defire,long for it,for that there is acertainty that a man tóa11have mercy if he can delire it ; love doth welcome and delight in it, nay,the foule doth i? y, The Lordhath laid, thou mutt be faved : nay ,thoumuff looke toChrift for mercy; it is no where elfe tobe had : nay,ifthou doff delire it,thou (halt have it;and then theLord determines thepoint, it isdone, mercy is thine ; and then the will addes full confent, and fayes, Amen, Lord, let it be as thou haft laid. Gather them upbriefly. When the Spirit ofGodBoth fo cleerly prefent mercy to the foule, anddoth leave by the over-powring worke thereof, a fupernatu- rall worke upon the foule, that the fpirit clofeth therewith, and receives the print and impreflion thereof: now the leffon is fully learned : this may fuffice for the openingofthe feverall things ; now therefore wewill addrefTe our felvestogather the do&rinesout ofthe Text. And firft for the gene- rall, in that the Father is Paid to teach. That the teachingofthe heart effectually is the Doc l proper taske and workeofGod. It is not you that can teach your felves, neither can all the meanes and friends under heaven doe it no,it is the work onelyofthe Father. All thefe meinesandmini- fters are ufefull, but God is the chiefe mailer, andall thefe are but underling ufbers to convey themindeofGod untous but the matter is God himfelfe t it is the powerful' operation of the Spirit that =It doe the foule good; all other G 3 meanes