Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

s.Reafon. TheSoules r fr .aua[t`eauYxx toChri(k. meanes are but like the cane that conveyeth the voyce; butthe vonce is the Lord. John 14. a 6. 1 wilfend the Comforxer,and heThal teachyouallrbnnf, And who is that ? that is the Spirit ofGod. We fpeaketoyour outwardcares, but it is the Spirit of God thatmuft give you mindes todifcerne, and fpírits to embrace; that is the onely worke ofthe Spirit. We (hall obferve Matth. r i.. towards the latterend, 1 thanke theeFather, &c. c. how comes it topaffe that the wifeare bcfooled, and fooles in- ffrufted ? 1 thanke thee Father, faith hee, that thou hail revealed thefe thins re babes and fucklings, and hail hid themfrom the wife. How comes this about? It is thy goodwill, Father. It is a wonder to fee a filly creature, of' weake capacity, and almoft a foole, and yet he knoweth moreof fan tificarion andfaith,thanmanygreatSchollers. Take a rufh candle, and a lampe, the lampe is agreat dealc bigger than the rufh candle; yet the rufh candle giveth light, and the lampenone,becaufe the rufh candle is lighted,& the l -ampe is not. So it is here, a Chriftian out ofa blinde cottage, and ameere Gmolician inother things yet hewill talke well of the free mercyofGod, :nd the worke ofgrace in his heart whenasmany great wife menare novi- ces in thefe things. The reafon is , becaufe God bath lighted his candle fromh aven, becaufe the worke is an Al- mighty worke; it is not n eafiematter togoc to heaven : you mu(} not fay, What, have I lived thus long, and are we childr, n Oil!? Ah, children youare, and children you will dye, unitffe the Lord