Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoulejeffe1fuallcalling to Chrift. S Y Lord from heaven teach you; though all menand Angels teachyou , the workwill not goe forward. z Cor.4 6.theText faith,Thefame God that brought light out of darknefe, fhineth inyour hearty. Wee knv)w,at thebeginningof theworld, whendark- nelle was upon thedeepe, the Lord fard, Let there be light : now that Almighty God that brought light out ofdarknefe, which none elfe could doe, why the fame God !3ii'reth inyour hexrtf, faith the text : unlefi'e the Lord fay, Let therebe light, theminde can never be enlightned, the foulecan never bee cheered, nor theconfcìencepacified. This is a ground of admirable comfort to all weake,filly, feebleminded creatures. I doubt not but your hearts are grieved, when you confider the marvellous ignorance which is in you, and how little youknow concerning hie and ftivatí- on, when the Lordhuh layd lineupon line, precept uponprecept, and the heart fometimes covets and defires toentertaine the fame, the foulecommeth to the congregation, and faith,Good Lord,let the word workeupon myfoule,enlightenmy minde, awaken my confcience;and when the word comes thus home to the heart, the foule hopes that it fh a1 retaine and remember it : but when it is gone, all fats to the ground, and the heart in pri- vate reafons thus with it (elfe : What fhall I fay? when my h;°art approves of the word, nd my foule clofed with ir, even then fo foone as I come out ofthe Church,I forgatall : what ablindmind arkl a hard heart have I ? can therebeanygrace or mercyconveyed to fuck afouk as mine ? furely I (hall