Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The sosiesefel salieaiing toChrift. ofGod takes theminhand, he will firlke the bar- gaine through, bee will follow thee home to thy houfe, to thydofet, to thyheart, hee will wooe thee, bethounever fo, coy, be thou never fo flub- borne, be thounever fo wayward, the Lord will bring thee to give entertainment tothe Lord Je- fiis,and to Gods mercy,in and throughhim, t John 5.2o. as ifhe had faid, Aman ofhimfelfehath no minde, no urrderflandingtoconceive ofthe Lord Jefus,andofthe freenefleofGods mercy in Chrifl, but Chrift hath givenus thisminde, hehath given aneye to the fouleof a firmer, fo that hee cannot but take noticeofthe councell holden in the high Court of Parliament, concerninghis fllvation. It is with a firmer, as it is with a man that fits in darkneffe, haply he feeth a light in the flreet our ofawindow, but he fits Bill in dàrkneffe,and is in the dungeonall thewhile, and think es, bow good were it,ifa man might enjoy that light : So many a poore humble-hearted broken (inner, feeth and hath an inklingofGods mercies, he heareth the saints fpeake of Godslove,and his goodneffe,ancf 7ompafíìon5 ah, thinkes he, how happy are they, lefiedare they, what an excellent condition are they in ! but he is in darkneffe Hill, and never had a drop ofmercyvouchfafed unto him : atlait the Lordlets a light in his houfe, and putsthe candle into his owne hand,and makes him feebyparticu- larevidence, thou !halt beepardoned, and thou lhalt be faved : this isparticular notice. For the opening of the point, obferve two things K 3 I. The 73