Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

_ _ .._.....__......._......M._...._.._._..__._.__ .._.. . _ _ _ 74 The Souks e eguaUeaLling toChrifi. c. Paffage. f. The manner how the Spirit Both it. a. The reafons why the Spirit onelycandoit. For the firft, the mannerof theSpirits worke, bow theLord lothgive this.wQtice, pndhow the candle comes to bee lighted, and the glimpfe of Gods mercycornes in, as by fomanycranies into the foule, it is difcerned in threepaffages. TheSpirit oftheLord meetingwithanhumble, broken, lowly, felfe-denying firmer, forofhim I fpeake : hee that is a proud flout hearted wretch, God give him notice of his mercy ? no, Godwill give him notice of fomething elfe, he shall have noticeofjudgements& hell fire:let him have that which belongsuntohim,Iudjement to r hosas judge- ment belongeth:but I fpeakeofan humbled fanner, throughwhich hemay be enabled, and by which he maybe fitted toentertaine the things ofGod. The naturali man perceiveth not the things of God, neithercan he ; why ? becaufe they are fpiri- tually discerned. So that there muff bea fpiritu- all light in him, before the foulecan fee forituall things without, r Cor.2. z 2. Weehave not recei- ved the fpirit of the world, which is the fpirit of ignorance and darknefri that pof efíeth all the world : the world lycth in darknrife and in firm ; there is the fpirit of the Devill and terrour in the mindes ofwtckedmen but yo havenot received the fpirit of the world to deludeyouand bl nde you,butyou have received the Spirit of the Lord; as who fhould fay, Noman doth, no man can know the things ofGods freegrace, rich mercy, boundleffe compafiion in the Lord. Nomancan fee