Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

T'heSouleseet3uall'ca/Lis,g ro Chrift. 75 fee thefe c ours, unlef ehe hatha fpiritu,,1( eye, Reve1.3. i 8. No (faithGod)ye are bt nde,&.c. but t cou,fellthee tobuy of me eyefalve, that thou maìft fee: andnow thehumbled firmer begins to fee,iike the man in the Gofpell, fome light andglimmer- ingabout his underftanding, that he canlook in- to anddifcerne the fpirituall thingsofGod. Then the Lord layes before him all the riches 2. Pike; of the treafuresofhis grace, the Spirit brings out ofthe ftore-houle, out ofthe bolòmeofGod the Father, thofe tender mercies and compaflions, which never yet law the Sonne, which neither men nor Angels ever dreamed of, and theSpit:t doth communicate them to thofe that God hath let the fpirituall light into : Ephef 3.9. there they are called theuxfearchable richesofGod, and it is a veryGgnificantphrafe, and theword implies fuch riches,as a man cannever fee a foot-ftepoftheca. God now dothas fome Trades-men doe, he bath a dealeofwares in his ftorc-houfe, but thebuyer andpafenger feeth notchofe, but only them that are fet out upon the (tall : fo it is with the Lord Jet rs ; hee doth prefent unto the viewoftheun- derftanding of the mind enlightned, all thole conceivable incomprehenfible treafures of his mercy in theLord jefics. Ifa man have no eye, beecannot fee ; ifhee have aneye, andhave no object, nor colours before him, hee cannot fee firft therefore the Lordgives an eye to thehum- bledheart; and when hee hath givenhim aneye, thenhee layes colours before him, that hee may feeand looke, and fall in lovewith the treafures of