Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The souteseffeivah'callingtoChrifF. ties (hall be forgiven, thy perfonaccepted. But now the queiongroweson ; Buthow (hall pelf. a man difcover this te1tification, and this wit- neffingofthe fpirit, to the heart of ahumblebro- ken hearted (inner, that thefe things are fo ? This third worke ofthe fpirit makes knowne it 4nfw -felfe in three particulars : The fpiric loth evidence to the foule, broken t.Partica and humbled, That thefoulehathan intereff in thismercy,that it was appoh tedfor it,andLebath tomeddlewith it; in reafon, we mayobferve that awitneffe in a caufe doTh marvellonfly cleare it , ifhebe wife and ludic'o ts; and the thing that be- forewas doubt fill,co7nes now tobe apparant : as now in a point of Law, two tarn contend for land ; now ifan ancient ' wife man of Come place, is called before the Judge at the Afhfes, and flee beares witnef -upon his knowledge, that inch Lands havebeen in thepoffeflìon offitch agene- ration or family, for the fpacc of many ycares ; this is a fpeciall tc(fification, that thisman being of that generation, he Lath intereff to theftlands : So it is with the witnefï'e ofGods Spirit, there is -a controverfie betweene Satan and the foule, the foule-faith, oh, that grace and compaffion might be beftowed on mee; why, ( faith Satan) doft thou corceiveofanymercy, or grace and Salvati- on ? marke thy rebellions againft thy Saviour, marke thewretched diffempers of thy heart, and the filthy abhominations of thy life .t doff thott thinkeoftnercti?Rere is thecontroverts, whether an humble finner bath title to, or intcrcft in the L a mere; 79