Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSouksefeauaacaüing toChrift- mercy ofGod ?. Now the Spirit of God cor- ming in, that cafés the caute and makes it evident, iffucha poore hearthave interefi, and may me f- ate and make challenge to mercy and falvation, becaufe it hash, beeneprepared for thin, from thebeginning ofthe world to thisveryday.Nov this gives alight into thebufineffe,& theevidence is fure, that this man bath title to all the, riches and cotnpa(lion of the LordJefus.; 4Et,r. 2. 39. Every poore creature thinkes, that God - thinccs fo of him, as hee thinkes of himfelfe ; and .hee thinkes God intends marvellous grievou3 things againft him.; and ifthere be any Judgement de- nounced, or any plague. revealed, the foule fits and fincks, and thinkes with himfelfe thus; wretch, the Lord fpake tomee and intendedmee; the Lord threatned mee, and denounced judge- ment againft mee ; and oneday he will bringall thefe plagues upon mee, all (hail be madegood upon this wretchedheart ofmine oneday,where- as the Spirit ofthe Lord judgeth otherwife, and Godmeanswell towards him, and intendsgood to all you that have beene broken for your fins, and there is witnefl'e: of it in heaven,, and itshall be madegood toyour owne confciences, drift cane not to call the righteous, but 'inners, bro- ken, abafed, vile, wretched, carnali finners : doe not thinke heewill keepe anyold reckonings in minder Chrift came into the worlds only tofuc- cour fanfullhumbled wretches hee onlycame to call finners, not yourproud, haughty jufticiaries; th:t trait_in their owne performances, no but mi ferable,