Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheBoulet eef,luallcagil to Clirifi. 8t *hirable, vile, broken,abafed finners ;therefore nowhere is fogneground, and light come in, that wee have todoe withmercy. Pfalrn. 80. 3. Caul thyface tofhine upon mmee. If a man be in adeepe darke dungeon,he cannot tell when it is light; bee rn;y aske,isit light? but elfebee cannot tell: But 2/3bumbled firmer is like aman Banding full upon the Sunneriliing,, this face.ofGods mercy (bines fullupon him, the Lord lets in the inclinationof his kindneffe, and makes known the fureneffeof his favour in the Lord JefusChrifl ; now thefoule bath force apprehenfion that he háth tadoewith mercy. TheSpirit doth ratifie that ii.terefi as the foule 2. Particle. nowhath, as intended towards him; and prepa- red for him; beemakes itgood to the heart, and efablifheth it,-and makes it hire to the foule: This isthenatureofawitneffe,if it be fufficicnt a the Lord provides, That in the mouth, of two or three witneyes, every word PR' bee eßablifb°d; fo it is with the teflimony,or teB:ficationofGods_ Spirit, for the Spirit doth not beare witneff, ° a- lone, but theFather fromheaven, and the Sonne in heaven doth joyne witnef e with the Spirit; and the court is in heavenwhere this controver- fie muff be fcannrd, and now the Spirit dothby witneffe promife, that all this mercy thall be made goodand given, & thehumbledheart (hail be madepoffeffor thereofhence it isthat the foule cones tohedeeply fetledherein, forGod cannot denyhimfelfe, nor hisprornife; this is themaine ground and tenour, whereupon wee hold ever- L 3 Lifting