Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Souks effeEuall. calling toChriff. knowes the mimic; therefore, itonlycan give no.. tire thereofunto thefoule. TheSpirit only can break thorow al tholemiffs, and clouds of' ignorance and blindnefíe, that are in ourminds, which oppofc this worke ; nay, it canbearedowne all thofe diftempets anddifcou- ragements, which make us unfit, and unable to receive the evidenceofGods loveand goodneffe, in the Lord Jefus Chrift; for there two thingsare in the heart of a firmer, that marvelloufly oppofe the evidenceofGods favour unto the foule. That every manhath a veile of ignorance over his heart, 2 Cor. 3.1 5, Now the veileofignorance no hand can rend it, none can remove it,but only the Spirit of God ; The godofthe world blindes the eyes of the wicked; why then it mutt be the Spirit cof God, the Spirit of another world, I meane the Spirit ofChrift that mutt open theeyes,and take away the veiles, and clouds, and miffs, that the godofthe world carts before theeye. Are defperate difcouragements, when a podre firmer is plunged in the apprehenfion ofall the evill which he bathcommitted, and in the aggra- vation of all thofe fins whereby God bathbeetle difhonoured 5 when the foule obferves this, bee thinkes and fayes, This proud heart will neverbe humbled, this unregenerate heart will never be fanaified, the Lord never intends good to my foule, it is impofiìble that fo manycorre&ions, fo long continued, fhould ever be pardoned, here the foule finkes downe indefperate difcourage- ments; now there is none but the Spirit of God that