Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The ,soulereeduallcalling to Chrift. g that can let a light into the foule, there is none but the handoftheLord,that can rend,and pluck, and pull a poore fainting, defpairing, dying,fin- king heart, under the burthen of his manifold abominations, none but the Almighty. hand of an Almighty Godcan doe this; when it is night, all the candles in the world cannot take away thedarkneffe ; fo all themeanes of grace and fal- vation, all the candle-light ofthe Minifüery,they are all good helps ; but thedarkneffe of the night will not be gone, before the Sun ofRightcouf neffe arife in ourhearts. Hence it comes to paffe, that it is a very difficult matter to givecomfort to apoorediflreflëdfoule, Pfl.4o.r. Marke what a coaethere is togivecomfort,all the world cannot comfort them, and perfwade them : I (hall one dayperifh, fay they, I (hall oneday goe down tohell, let all the Minifters under heaven fiy what they will ; comfort yee, comfort yee, faith the Lord, as who Ihould fay,they will notbecomfor- ted, they will not thinke, nor be refolvcdof it. I mercy?and I comfort? it is a likelymatter,it will never be, it never can be, I (hail never fee that 'day: will the Lord pardon me? I doe not thinke ir, I cannot beleeve it, God is a jufl God, and a righteous God, and I am a vile wickedwretch, it is mercy that I have defpifed and trampled un- der my feet, and I mercy ? no certainly, there is no fuch matterS this makes the Lord have fuch a doe, comfort yee, comfertjee, the third time, and'` yet they will receivenone. WeMinifters ofthe Gofp llobferveby experience, thatwemeet with Tome