Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

9_ The Soule: effe1íual%calling to Chrift. fome foules that aregone to the bottomeof hell, fometimes by their diflempers, and wee make knowne thepromifes, propound arguments, lay downe reafons, but nothing takes place, nothing prevailes, all is prefently forgotten, and youhad as good fay nothing, all is forgotten ; therefì re none but Gods Spirit can doe it, hee mull come from heaven,and fay, comfortsee, comfort yee ms people: let me therefore fpeake toyou that areMi nifters,you doe well to labour togivecomfort to a poore fainting foule, but alwayes fay, comfort Lord, fay unto this poore foule thouart his falva- tion ; Lord fpeake comfort,and fay to fuch aone, his linnes !hall be pardoned, mercy fhall bee be- floweduponhim, his iniquitiesare forgiven ; it is that wee obferve in the policie ofSatan, Satan bath two Policies a. policie. Firft, if he can, bee will keepe a man that hee ¡hail never fee his fins ; therefore bee labours to doe away all plagues and judgements from the apprehenfion of the foule ;and therefore when theMinifter comes home to the confcicnce, and faith, What, you have heaven? what, proud and profane, andoppofe God and his ordinances,and you goe toheaven ? No, no fuchmatter ; marke what the Devill fuggeits, take thy pleafure, it is but halfeanhoures work when youlie upon your death-bed , if youcan but then cry to God for mercy,and for forgivei,es,it isenough : this is the fiat Policie tokeepe a man from feeing his fins ; and thus the foule is content tocarry hel.gates on his backe, and a thoufandabominations,and is ne- ver troubled. Well,