Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

102 objefí. "infra. I .141ealYed: The goulei efeílrsaaca ling toChrift. Saviour tels you, Luke it. t 2. Why then, muff this Spirit only certifie the pardonof fin ? Why, Tooke up toheaven then, and plead thus with him, Lc. rd, I am a father, and give my childe what hec wants, and if I fee him in need, I teleeve him; why, I need thy Spirit, Lord, I beg it, thou haft promifed it, Lord give thatSpirit to the fouie of thy fervant, and let it reftifie tomy confcience, that thou art reconciled tome.. But how 1hall we get the Spirit home to a man in this cafe ? Themeanes are two : Thoumuff labour tobe filch a one, to whom the Spirit belongs. Labour tobe an humble hear- ted firmer, and then the Lord will fend his Spirit, andgive notice to theeof his acceptance, for the Lorddoth not paffe over his comfort, or merde, or compafhon toany foule in the world, but onely to thofe that are broken hearted before Cod; there is nomercy for thee that art ffubborne, no compaffion for thee that art f}out hearted; woul- deft thou have the Spirit make a lye for thee, and come from Heaven to make a newScripture, to bring a loofc° ftubborne drunkard, or adulterer to heaven? it willnot bee fo, it cannot bee fo, never thinke to bring the Spirit of the Lord, andmake him fpeake mercy to thee, when it belongs not to thee, t King. t 4, a,2 , &c. Doenot thinke to com- plain it with the Lord Jefus, and put the finger in the eye&weep a few teares,and fay,I confeffe my rebellionsar. finful,Iam fort' for my fins,and will repent meczfmy fins:the Spirit wil fay,Comeout thou