Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Tie soalerefeéivallcallingto Chrift. 103 thouproudwretchedhypocrite,doeft thou feigne thy felfe to be an humblebroken hearted firmer? doe not I know thy refervations? doenot I know thy by-wayes and back- doores? Come cut thou proudwretch and (tardy hypocrite, I am fent to theewith heavie tidings, you may cozen man, but you cannotdeceive God ;thereforenever thinke he will give grace and mercy unto thee, unlefl'e thou be fitted for it. Be lure you harken not to yourcarnali cavilsof 2. Meanes, reafon,nor to theclamoursofacorrupt heart, nor to the bawlingsof Satan, all which flopand hin- der the teftimony of the Spirit, and with their loud cries drowse thevoyce of the Spirit, that it cannot beheard.It is afafhionamongft Lawyers, at Affifes or Seflions, when in their Courts there comes ina wife judicious wtnefhe, and theLaw. yers plead a bafecaufe, they feare him, and there- fore, beforehe can fpeak out his tale, one fpeaks andanother fpeakes, and fo hinders this that lace cannot bee underftood 5 then the man faith, bee came for a wítnefíe,andnot thus to bedifturbed; then the Judge commands filence, and then hee path liberty todifcover what heknowes,and then thecafe is cleare ; foit is with thefoule, and car- nail reafon, and the Devil!. The trial! is, whether a mati bath any intereft inChrift or no. Nowthe Spirit of the Lord working gracioufly upon the heart, wouldbring in a faire teftimonyofGods graceto the foule : but when the foulecommeth to afaithfull Minifter to tellhim how God h.:ath wrought uponhim, and met with him, and how 02 be