Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

1 r a Thesouks efectuallcalling toChrif:, ther difcovery and explication ofthe point, wee *ill fhewtwo things.. Firil, the reafon why after afoule humbled,and the minde enlightned, the Lord worketh upon thisaffe&ion ofhope. Secondly, the manner how theLord ftirreth up the heart to hope,what bree- deth it,twhat £cedethit,and uponwhat it groweth, andwhatmaintaineth it in the foule, and then the Do&rinewill be very cleare. Firfi, theorder, why the Lord doth proceed in the next placç tç forte pp,hop(N I anfwe5!t(hgt:. F, , %l} *becaufewhen the Spirit ofGodhAtilienlightned theunderftanding,. and given evidence, that mercy is prepared for an humbled foule : why (brethren) the fittett fa- culty,pf,-:.tliç ff4e, that ought to:bee imployed to la lipid upon this, it: is, the farlvieof hope; it is themaineoffice ofthis affeaion in the heart, to lookeandexpert fora good to.come ; forhope is nothingdfeybttliat extent ofthe foule,where- by it earno.ltV liffeaeklragood tocone : itmuff ;a 1(4440Agoocf and co come that hopeexpe &eth: ifthe goodbe prefent, wee love it, and joy in it but if it beabfent,, the foule looketh out forri , and,WIlifdilfigr thetfi ne; it is a fine paffage ppric 4 A, i tormy earm ex t íaa tionaifhape-.thope-is.al-acuityofthe foule to looke ourfor &rimy5 iti s a fimilitude taken from aman that look.etib after another, and liftethup it felfe a,r,rpay tofeeifanyman bee commingi nllar0 ivai5 lookingwithlyabout him, fo here the' £DaleRaided]as it werea tiptoe, expe&ingwhen the