Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

43.1I20 Safles eelluallsalding to Chrif}. rr3 iß+4 >;w,ill,cóte : as the man that is to meet argtlte jn gç raa place, theydoe fer the time ap. P aildik; oeth up to a high hill,and loo- ke-t ,very earneflly round about him, wondreth hecommeth nor,andyet h hopeth hewill come: foan Pmbled firmer, when theLord faith,mercy is,ACklikpitig ;towards thee, mercy is provided for s now this atfe1ioia::act out to meet mer- cy a farre'off, namelyhope; this is the flretching outo`the foule. O when will it be, Lord ? thou fáift mercy is prepared, thou Caifl mercy is ap. proaçhing, the foule ftandeth a tiptoe ; Owhen will;itcome,Lord.As nowfomethiugthat hath a firong fent,a man that hath agoodnote, can find a good way off, though it findeth it not, though it feeleth itnot,yetit may,andfaith hope,this finful fctl¢ rime;,, is rrny through Gods mercy bee fanetifred,; this troubled perplexed foule ofmine, it may throughGods mercybe pacified, this evill and corruupt:on.whichharbour in me, and hath ta- ken polfeffionaóft le,itn-ay throughGods mercy be removed. Now for theieond thing;_ how.doih-God flit wale heart ofanghtimbledbroken hearted (inner Mttope ? this is worth a while alittle to conkder ofifhg;g# ,eancl;to getandmaíntaine this hopemay, be,referdito"thefethree heads. Firtio,the°LordBoth fweetly flay the heart,and fully perfwade thefame that , a mans fins arepar- dpuable, and thatratlk his limesmay bepardoned, =Adult alltho¡goodlthingshe wanteth, they may bebef wed5 't isa:ireitigk iner-ofthe foule P 3 hope