Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoulesefetluall calling toChrift. tereth not ; there is more mercy inGod, than fin in thee, topardon ; more power in God to (hew mercy to thee, than power in tin tode(hroy thee. 2 The LordclothSivectlyperfwade the foule that all h:s finnes (hall be pardoned : the Lordmaketh thisappeare, and perfwadeth the heart ofh s,that he intendeth mercy ; that Chrift bath procured pardon for the foule ofabroken hearted (inner in fpeciall, and chat it cannot but come unto it. So that hop cornmeth tobee allured, andcertainly perfwaded to lookeour, knowing it (hall beeac- compli(hed : the former only futtained the heart, and provoked it to looke for mercy, butthis corn- forteth the foule, that undoubtedly it (hall have mercy. TheLord Je fus Chrift came tofeekeand to rave that which was loft; he came for this pur- pofe, it was the fcopeofhis comming : now faith the broken and humble linnet? I am loft, did Chrift come to lave tuners ? Chrift mutt faileof his end, or I of comfort. God faith, Come un. to riseall you that are wearj and heavy laden i am weary, unleffe theLord intended goad untome, why fhould he invite me and bid me for tocome? furelyhe meaneth to thewmercy tome, nay hee promifeth to releeve me, when Icome therefore he will doegood untome. 3 The Lord letteth in fome rellifh and tafte of the fweetncffeofhis love, fome lent and favour of it, fo that the foule is deeply affeíted with it : marke this, there is yet a further dint, a felling, and anAllredkindeof faftning ofthe goodunto tlse foule, fo that the heart isdeeply affeúedwith it,