Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The soule.r efèRuallcalltnt ro Chrift. 119 it, and carriedmightily unto it, that it cannot bee fevered. It is the letting in the riches ofhis love that turneth the expeáation of the foule another way, it overfhadoweth all outward good. ',coke as the covetousman is up early to contrive his ri- ches, the ambitious man his honour : nowGods letting into the foule the fweetnc°ffé ofhis grace, doth turne the whole ftreame ofthe foule thi- therward. It is a reproofe, andmeeteth with two things in wicked carnali perlons: Firft, thofe that will cart offall hope inpoint ofdefperation : Second- ly, againit thole that will doe nothing, but hope without ground ; and that is prefumption : both are here to be reproved andcondemned. Ifthe Lord ftirrethup the heart of his tohope groundedly for his mercy ; Oh then take heedof that fearefull and unconceiveable finne ofde. fpaire : defpaire wee muff in our felves, and that is good ; but this defpaire which wee now fpeake ofis marvellous hainous in theeyes ofGod, and marvellous hurtfull to thyowefoule : therefore take heedofit, for ever I lay this fin of defpaire, when aman cafteth away all hope, caftethaway all carnall confidence. This thou mutt doe, and yetthoumutt hope; let lfrael hope in the Lord, for in the Lord&c. O the Lord taketh this very ill at our hands, tl ougoett to the deepe dungeon of thycorrupt on, and there thou fault, thefe fins can never be pardoned ; I am fill proudand more ftubborne : this diftreffe God feeth not, God fuc_ coureth not, his hand cannot reach, his mercy Q 2 cannot