Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

ThesorslesefEtuall calling to Chrif}. 1 s 3 foule, the time ofgrace is pat}, theday is gone, and thus the foule finketh in it felfe ; if Chrif}i- ans would pray for him, and Minif}ers would la- bour to doe him good, why bee biddeth them fpare their labour, for hell is his portion, andhis condemnation is Pealed in heaven : fee now and confider what defperate danger ofdefpaire brin- geth toa poore heart, and maketh him tobe be- yond the reach of mcrcie, that no meanes can come at him. It is a pretty paflàge of David, Fra1.77.7. WilltheLord call me ofeve7? andTrill he thew nofavor? I laid this is my infirmitie,faith the text,the word in the original,this is my Gckner; as who fhould fay, this would be mydeath, what, is mercielonefor ever? then my life isgone,then is all my comfortand all my hope gone, therefore take heed of this, it taken off the edge ofour ende- vours,&Gods ordinances that might do us good. Secondly., it reproveth and marvelloufly con- demneth that great finneofprefumption,a finne morefregaenr, and ifpoílible may be, more dan- gerous; the prefumption of carnali hypocrites that bouifier up themfelves with marvellous boldnefI'ein their courfe ; I befeech you obferve it,it is true here, as they laid, Saul bath Nine his thoufands, but Davidhis ten thoufands: defpaire bath thine his thoufands, but prefumption his ten thoufands : that men may fweare,and lye, and coufen, and breake all commands, and yet hope tobe faved, yet they hope grace will fave them ; they refit} grace yet hope Jefus Chrif} will thew mercieunto them, they oppofe Chrif}, this i$