Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

124 The settles effcanall calling t'o Chritt. is that which, I fay, bath tlainc many thoufand . foules amongft us, and they are few that have not fplit at thisrocke, therefore,I fay, this ferveth to reprove thebafeneffe, thevilenefié offlchHypo. crites that boaft themfelves, and compare their hopeswith the hopes of the Saints : it is true, fay they, I cannot walke fofreely, I cannot repeat a Sermon, I want chofe parts that they have, I walkenot fo curioufly, yet I hopetobe faved as well as they : this is that which bathElaine many thoufandsof foules that noware roaring inhell, and they may thankeprefumption for ir. Now this hope is not the bope of the Saints; the hope of the Saints is agrounded hope, but titlehopes meerely hang upon force idle pleas and foolifh pretences, and force carnali reafons; but I tell you theywill fall, and their hopes will finke,and they into the bottorrelefhe pit before they bee aware: it is thecommand and counfell of Peter, That every manfhould be ready togive a reafenofhis faithandhope that is in him ; thereforelet us fee the reafons thatcarry you, the arguments that per- fwade you to thefegroundIefle andfoolth hopes; you hope tobe laved, andyou Lope to go tohea- ven, and you hope to fee the face ofGod with comfort : let us fee the ground for thefehopes of yours, good hope hath good reafons, grounded hope grounded reafons; you fay, youhope robe faved, and have no reafon for it ; it is a foolith hope, an unreafonable hope, the grounds there- fore ofHypocrites are mainly five : a. The ignorant poorefilly man, he pleadethhe can