Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

The Living Temple. Part H. there is nothing beyond all things, therefore, to fay that all things de- pend, is to fay, they depend on no- thing, that is, they do not depend. And to fay, they have all depended on one another for them Being, or made one another, is altogether as abfurd, for it will make the whole conlpafs or circleof all Being to de- pend upon nothing, or come at length to this, thatforce one made it felf ; or even (which is more grofs) made its own Maker ; unlefs you will reíl in fameone that made all the other, and was it felf, not made, by anyof them. If you do not apprehend this your felf, defire any one that bath a better under- {landing, to explain it to you, and you will foon fee thematter intend- ed by it to be as evident as your heart can with. And fo this will be out ofQiueftion with you. Thatfomexvhat was of felf,which added to what was proved before, comes to this. That