Howe - B3999 R4 H68 1702

Part II. The Living Temple. r o 5 CH AP. 1V. That there is an Ob.f'cru&ion to this intercourfe. The Method of the fall wing DifcourJe. Man's Apoftacy from God ; and the vitiated State of his'- Nature. Not only reprefented in the Sacred Writings. But alfa acknoavledg'd and lamented by Pagans. Very mifialsingly in fonte Refpe5s. Wherein, perhaps, f ome ofthem not jufl- ly underftood. This not the primitive State of Man. There- fore not to be imputed to the .. Author of . Nature.. The 7em- pie of God hereby became unfit for the Divine Prefence. `Pn., fititab1e. Vif4 eda Here- upon