Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

88 his service. Mr. I-Iutchinson told him whatever assurance his maiestie might have, if his lordship pleas'd to looke out, he migh t see no inconsiderable number below that would not willingly part with it. My lord replied they were but a few factious men, whereupon Mr. Hutchinson told him, since it was yet the happinesse of these unhappie times that no blood had bene spilt, he should be sorry the first should be shed upon my lord's occasion in hi s own country. My lord scornefully replied, feare it not, it cannot come to that, the king's occasions are urgent and must be serv'd. 'Vhereupon :Mr. Hutchinson looking out at the countriemen, they came very fast up the staires, and Mr. Hutcl•inson told him however he sl ighted it, not one there but would part with every drop of their blood before they would part with it, except he could shew a command or request for it under the king's hand, or would stay till the country were call'd in to give their consents, for it was their property, and all had interest in it, as bought with their money for the particular defence of the county. Then my lord fell to entreaties to borrow part of it, but that being alsoe denied, he tooke the sheriffe aside, and after a littl e conference, they putt up their bookes and left the pouder, when my lord turning . to the people, sayd to them, Gentlemen, his majestic was by some assur'd of the chearefullnesse of this countries affections to him, whereof I am sorry to see so much failing, and that the county should fall so much shor t of the towne, who ha,·e chearefully lent his majesty one barrel of powder, but it seemes he can have none from }' ou; I pray God you' doe not repent this carriage of yours towards his maj es tic, which he must be acquainted withal!. A bold countryman then stepping forth, by way of replic asked my lord, whither if he were to take a jonrney with a charge into a place where probably he should be sett upon by theeves, if any friend should aske to borrow a sword he would palt with it: my lord, sayd he, the case is ours, our lives, wives, children, and eslales, all depend upon this countries safety, and how can it be safe in these dangerous