Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

94 battle at a village call'd Keynton; ' it not being yett agreed who gain' cl the victory that day. As the king, on his part, made this progresse, so the parliament, on theirs, upon the twelfllt of July, voted an armie to be rays'd , and the Earle of Essex to be generall of it. Divers of the lords, and severall members of the house of commons, tooke commissions, and rays'cl regiments and companies under his command, who march'd wilh his armie of about fourteen thousand horse and foote to his rendezvous at Northampton, whither the parliament sent a petition to him, to be deliver' cl to the king, in a safe and 11Gnorable way; the summe of which was, to beseeche him to forsake those wicked people wi.h whom he 1n1s, and not to mix his danger with theirs, but to retnrne to his parliament, &c. The king intending to make ·w orcester a garrison, sent Prince Rupert thither; the Earle of Essex, to prevent him, sent other forces, betweene whom there was some sk irmish, but the prince left the towne at their approach. My lord of Essex left a garrison in Northampton, putt others into Coventry and 'Varwick, and went to '~'orcester. Here he made some stay, ti ll the king, marching Ji·om Shrewsberrie, there was some apprehension of his going up to London, for which cause my lord left part .of his artillery behind him, and follow'd the king's motions, which the king perceiving, tooke an opertunity, before artillery and the foote left with it were come up to him, and resolv'd to give him battle; which was not declin'd on the other side, bu t fought with doubtfull succcsse, the circumstances whereof may be read at large in the stories of those things. The king's gencrall was slaine, his standard was "taken, though not kept; but on the other side b Commonly called Edge-hill fight. Both king and parli ament claimed the victory, but our authoress shc:ws rather more candour than either. The king's main design of marching to London was however frustrated, and therefore the parliament might be most properly termed gai ners.